Ideas on Enterprise Information Systems Development

This blog is devoted to ideas on Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) development. It focuses on Lean Thinking, Agile Methods, and Free/Open Source Software, as means of improving EIS development and evolution, under a more practical than academical view. You may find here a lot of "thinking aloud" material, sometimes without scientific treatment... don't worry, this is a blog!
Every post is marked with at least one of Product or Process labels, meaning that they are related to execution techniques (programming and testing) or management techniques (planning and monitoring), respectively.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Enterprise Information Systems Patterns - Part VIII

The current status of the project

The code in commits of April 9 presents the first version of Rule Checker, a class able of finding Business Decorators' rules implemented in should-dsl and run them against the object to be decorated. In April 11 the initial version of Documenter was committed. Documenter simply returns the documentation of Resources and Business Decorators. Rule Checker and Documenter form the basis for the following configuration process:

a) Requirement input phase
    1) User enters the keywords that represent the main concepts of the requirement.
    In the future:
    2) User enters the requirement's text.
    3) A Natural Language processor will identify the main concepts of the requirements.
b) Concepts search phase
    1) By simply matching keywords, the framework suggests candidate business decorators and resources which can be reused to configure the new business process.
    In the future:
    2) Based on documentation and rules of association, an ontology is built to enhance searching of candidate decorators and resources.
c) Concept compliance testing
    1) To better understand how candidate decorators work, run automated tests, so that the user can see the decorator in action.
    2) To check if the decorator can be used to decorate a selected Node object  (Person or Machine), test which decorators can be applied to it by checking (running) association rules.
d) Configure Business Process
    1) Using a domain specific language (DSL), describe the logic of the business process and generate the appropriate code for the business process.
    2) With the information obtained in (c), configure the business process. If new and/or changed functionality is necessary, enter the process of developing it, using the partially configured business process as a basis for acceptance tests. In that way the business process is constructed incrementally. At this point, the use of BLDD is envisioned.

The core idea of the process above is to provide ways of creating new systems in a dynamic and flexible way, through configuration . By dynamic I mean allowing the user to manipulate live objects which can demonstrate their capabilities - going far beyond documentation reading; by flexible I mean the use of Decorator Pattern to create new business entities on the fly. In the cases where changes are needed, the use of BLDD can provide a safer and dynamic way of extending the framework with new or improved business decorators and resources.

The code necessary to implement this process is in the following state:
-a.1: create a nice GUI, planned to medium term (end of the year).
-a.2 & a.3: work in progress based on NLTK, planned to medium term.
-b.1: done.
-b.2: planned to medium term.
-c.1: planned to short term.
-c.2: done.
-d.1: dsl for state diagrams is a work in progress.
-d.2: planned BLDD use for the medium term, full BLDD to long term.

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